What aspects need to be paid attention to in the maintenance of low-temperature insulation tanks?

The maintenance of cryogenic insulation tanks is an important part of ensuring their normal operation and extending their service life. Here are some key maintenance considerations:

Periodic Inspections

Regularly visually inspect cryogenic insulation tanks, including tank bodies, valves, piping, and other components, to ensure that they are free of cracks, corrosion, air leaks, or other damage. Special attention should be paid to vulnerable parts such as pipe fillet welds, and non-destructive testing methods can be used if necessary.

Maintain insulation

Insulation is the key to keeping a cryogenic insulation tank cold, so check the insulation regularly to ensure it is intact and undamaged. If the insulation layer is found to be detached or damaged, it should be repaired or replaced in time.

Temperature control

Cryogenic insulation tanks need to strictly control the internal temperature to prevent damage to the stored substances and tank body from being overheated or cold. Regularly check the working status of equipment such as temperature sensors to ensure that the temperature is controlled within the allowable range.

Pay attention to the vacuum degree between the inner and outer sandwiches

For low-temperature insulation tanks using vacuum insulation technology, the vacuum degree between the inner and outer interlayers should be measured regularly to ensure that it is maintained within the specified range. A drop in vacuum can affect adiabatic performance and therefore need to be dealt with promptly.

Check safety accessories

safety valves, pressure gauges and other safety accessories are important components to ensure the safe operation of low-temperature insulation tanks, and their working status should be checked regularly to ensure that they are normal and effective.

Keep the tank clean and dry

Regularly clean the surface of the tank from dirt and frost to prevent moisture from entering the inside of the tank. Moisture can lead to deterioration of insulation and even corrosion of the tank.

Records and reports

After each inspection and maintenance, the contents, results and measures taken of the inspection and maintenance should be recorded in detail. If any abnormal situation or problem is found, it should be reported to the superior in time so that it can be dealt with and solved in a timely manner.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the basic condition of the cryogenic insulation tank, regularly observe whether there is any subsidence or damage, and ensure that the surrounding environment of the tank is clean and free of debris and obstacles. Through the implementation of these maintenance measures, the safe and stable operation of the cryogenic insulation tank can be ensured and its service life can be prolonged.