Cryogenic container operating temperature range

The temperature range at which cryogenic containers can be used can be tailored to different applications and needs, but can generally be grouped into the following main categories:

Ultra-low temperature containers:

The operating temperature range is generally below -196°C, which is especially suitable for the storage of substances that require a very low temperature environment, such as liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, etc. These containers are often used in medicine, biological research, scientific research and other fields, such as storing human tissues, cells and other medical materials.

Cryogenic Containers:

The operating temperature range is typically between -150°C and -80°C. Containers in this temperature range can store a wide range of cryogenic substances, including certain refrigerants, specialty chemicals, and materials that require cryopreservation.

Cryogenic Containers for Specific Industrial Purposes:

For industrial applications such as natural gas liquids, cryogenic containers can have a high temperature range, generally between -50°C and -20°C. These containers are designed to meet the needs of specific industrial applications, ensuring safety and efficiency during storage and transportation.

Medical & Scientific Fields:

In the medical and scientific fields, the temperature range of cryogenic containers may be more precise and specific. For example, containers for storing medical materials such as human tissues and cells need to operate in a specific temperature range between -80°C and -130°C to ensure sample integrity and viability.
In summary, the temperature range for cryogenic containers is determined according to the specific application requirements. When choosing a cryogenic container, it is necessary to determine the appropriate temperature range according to factors such as the nature of the stored substance, the environment in which it is used, and the safety requirements. At the same time, factors such as the material, manufacturing process, brand reputation and after-sales service of the container need to be considered to ensure the quality and reliability of the cryogenic container.

Please note that the above temperature ranges are for general reference only and should be used according to the specifications and technical parameters provided by the container manufacturer.